Wystartuj z angielskim

Wystartuj z angielskim w Klubie 'Angielski z Klasą' i nabierz pewności!

Czy zaczynałaś wielokrotnie naukę angielskiego, tylko po to, by zrezygnować po kilku tygodniach lub miesiącach?

Czy mówisz sobie...

  • "Nie mam zdolności językowych."
  • "Słabo przyswajam wiedzę."
  • "Mam problem z mówieniem."
  • "Metody, których używałam, nie działają."
  • "Wstydzę się mówić po angielsku."

A jednocześnie marzysz o tym, by:

  • Pokonać strach przed mówieniem. 
  • Nabierać pewności w mówieniu.
  • Móc się swobodnie porozumiewać.
  • Umieć używać angielski w codziennych sytuacjach.

Nie jesteś sama.

To wyzwania, z którymi zmaga się wiele osób uczących się angielskiego. W moim Klubie uczysz się inaczej. Nauka nastawiona jest na praktykę, komunikację i efekty.

Dlaczego nauka w Klubie jest wyjątkowa?

Angielski z Klasą to Komunikatywne Lekcje Angielskiego Skutecznie i Autentycznie.

Jak uczymy się z Klasą?

K – komunikacja na pierwszym miejscu

L – lekcje na żywo, na luzie, w przyjaznej atmosferze

A – angielski po angielsku podany w atrakcyjnej formie

S – skuteczne metody i praktyczne podejście

A – autentyczne postępy – aktywna nauka

Dlaczego warto dołączyć?

Uczestnictwo w Klubie „Angielski z Klasą” to:

Cotygodniowe konwersacje  – praktyka mówienia w przyjaznym środowisku.
Indywidualne wsparcie lektora – pomoc w rozwijaniu Twoich mocnych stron i eliminacji trudności.
Dostęp do platformy nauki – nagrania video, prezentacje, ćwiczenia, quizy pomagające w codziennej nauce.
Inspirująca społeczność – poznasz osoby o podobnych celach językowych, co zmotywuje Cię do działania.
Widoczne postępy – nasza metoda nauki pomoże Ci szybko zyskać pewność siebie w posługiwaniu się angielskim.

Co to oznacza w praktyce?

  • Od pierwszej lekcji ćwiczysz mówienie. 
  • Nie ma "wkuwania" gramatyki. Przyswajasz ją w bezstresowy sposób, w kontekście codziennych sytuacji.
  • Lekcje są zabawne i interesujące. Poruszamy praktyczne tematy.
  • Stopniowo nabierasz płynności i pewności.
  • Kurs 'Wystartuj z angielskim' przeniesie Cię od "zera do bohatera." W praktyce — od poziomu A1 do A2.
  • Kurs 'Pewnie i płynnie' da ci pewność w posługiwaniu się angielskim. Z poziomu A2 wskoczysz na B1 (lub jeszcze wyżej)

Już od pierwszej lekcji zobaczysz, jak łatwo przychodzi nauka mówienia i używania języka angielskiego.

Postaw na efekty i przejmij kontrolę nad nauką.

Lepsza praca? Większe perspektywy? Komunikacja na wyjazdach lub przez telefon? Wszystko jest w Twoim zasięgu. Tym razem się uda!

W Klubie oferuję kursy na 2 poziomach zaawansowania.

Kurs "Wystartuj z angielskim" dla zupełnie początkujących 

Kurs "Pewnie i płynnie" - dla średiozaawansowanych (pre-intermediate)

1. Kurs 'Wystartuj z angielskim' Od czego zaczynamy?

Kurs startuje od podstaw. Nawet jeśli miałaś wcześniej kontakt z angielskim, nie przeskakuj lekcji.

Znajomość teoretyczna to za mało — kluczem jest opanowanie mówienia.

Powtarzanie początkowych zagadnień pozwoli Ci zbudować solidne fundamenty.

Struktura kursu:

  • 52 moduły na rok nauki. Przerabiasz jeden moduł tygodniowo.
  • Systematyczna nauka. Moduły zaprojektowane tak, byś budowała wiedzę krok po kroku.
  • Najpierw samodzielnie zapoznajesz się zadanym materiałem, a potem ćwiczysz go na zajęciach konwersacyjnych z lektorem. 

Co znajdziesz w każdym module?

  • Prezentację wideo (30–45 minut) dotyczącą gramatyki lub słownictwa.
  • Materiały do ćwiczeń — razem z wideo ćwiczysz i powtarzasz.
  • Prezentację PowerPoint do pobrania i wydrukowania.
  • Nagrania mp4 do słuchania w dowolnym miejscu.
  • Dodatkowe ćwiczenia w formie wideo lub tekstów.
  • Quizy sprawdzające wiedzę.
  • Materiały dodatkowe — filmy, piosenki i inne.

Przykładowe tematy modułów:

  • "Hello, how are you?"
  • "What time do you get up? A day in a life."
  • "Do you like travelling? What is your ideal holiday?"
  • "I want to fly away. Travelling by plane."
  • "Are you going out tonight? Present Continuous for plans."
  • "Fast fashion: where are our clothes made?"
  • "Valentine's Day special: online dating."

Pełna lista tematów obejmuje praktyczne zagadnienia z życia codziennego i kulturę brytyjską.

Często zadawane pytania:

Co jeśli uczyłam się wcześniej?

Jeśli nie było to systematyczne lub masz długą przerwę, kurs pomoże Ci usystematyzować wiedzę i zaczniesz się komunikować.

Na pierwszych zajęciach konwersacyjnych, określimy Twój poziom i będziesz mogła wybrać, czy zechcesz uczyć się od początku, czy też na kursie dla średiozaawansowanych.

Otrzymasz wtedy dostęp do kursu "Pewnie i płynnie." Listę tematów oraz opis tego kursu znajdziesz tutaj Kurs dla średiozaawansowanych

Co jeśli po zapisie okaże się, że poziom kursu jest zły? Nie martw się. Na pierwszym spotkaniu określimy Twoje umiejętności i dopasujemy poziom. 

Jak długo trwa kurs? Kurs jest zaplanowany na rok. Po jego ukończeniu możesz kontynuować naukę na wyższym poziomie.

Czy muszę brać udział w zajęciach na żywo? W taki sposób lepiej przećwiczysz materiał, szybciej nauczysz się komunikować, no i oczywiście poznasz inne uczestniczki Klubu. Wspólna nauka jest dużo bardziej efektywna. 

Czy mogę zrezygnować z kursu? W przypadku rezygnacji obowiązuje miesięczny okres wypowiedzenia. 

Zacznij już dziś i przekonaj się, jak fajna i efektywna może być nauka angielskiego! Powiedz sobie, że tym razem się uda, a osiągniesz rezultaty, które sobie wymarzyłaś!

Tylko teraz, w wyjątkowej promocji, otrzymasz dodatkowo również dostęp do Kursu 'Czasowniki frazowe' (o wartości 149zł) oraz 'Śpiewaj z angielskim' (o wartości 99zł)


  1. Hello, how are you?  
  2. Are pierogi French? Where are they from?          
  3. Are you messy or tidy? What's on your desk?      
  4. What time do you get up? A day in a life. Introduction to Present Simple.              
  5. Typically British, or just stereotypes? Let's find out!      
  6. What do you do for a living? I'm a teacher and you?         
  7. Busy as a bee? What do you do at work?              
  8. What do you love doing? Hobbies and pastimes. 
  9. A healthy lifestyle is for you!          
  10. I can cook, but I can't bake. What can YOU do?   
  11. There is a sofa in my office! There aren't any chairs!      
  12. What are you wearing now?      
  13. Are you going for a walk? Present Continuous practice.   
  14. We learn or we are learning? Present Simple or Continuous?       
  15. Do you like travelling? What is your ideal holiday?            
  16. I want to fly away. Travelling by plane.    
  17. Staying at a hotel? All you need to know!             
  18. Have you ever been on a city break? Places and directions in the city.            
  19. Do you need a doctor? What is the matter?         
  20. What can you cook? Food, cooking and healthy diets.     
  21. Are you fit? How do you stay fit?            
  22. Are you stressed? Terribly.          
  23. Family is happiness        
  24. It's freezing, isn't it? Winter vocabulary and activities.     
  25. Are you going out tonight? Present Continuous for plans.           
  26. Do you like French cinema? Let's go to the cinema!       
  27. Life is better with music. Music vocabulary and comparisons.       
  28. Beauty is only skin deep? What do you know about make-up?   
  29. When things go wrong in the house ... Appliances and services.   
  30. Ready to spring clean? Cleaning and household chores.  
  31. You must switch off your phone. Must, should and phone etiquette.           
  32. Good manners, bad manners: mustn't, shouldn't and can't.      
  33. She must be a thief. Making deductions about crimes.     
  34. British education system and what school used to be like.            
  35. If I had a lot of money ... Second conditional.      
  36. It's raining cats and dogs. Weather and climate.  
  37. Politics is a serious business. Politics and voting in the UK.             
  38. Fast fashion: where are our clothes made?           
  39. Let's talk about periods! Women and health.      
  40. We're expecting! Pregnancy and birth.   
  41. Keeping track of the past. Introduction to Past Perfect.    
  42. What have you been doing? Introduction to Present Perfect Continuous.             
  43. Equality? Do men do as much in the house as women?  
  44. Can we stop the harassment of women?       
  45. Same planet, different worlds? Men and women.            
  46. Are you a party animal, or a party pooper? Let's find out!            
  47. Valentine's Day special: online dating what do you need to know?             
  48. Easter special: Easter celebrations in the UK        
  49. Halloween special           
  50. Christmas special: Christmas traditions in the UK 
  51. Christmas special 2: It's Christmas          
  52. New Year special: Welcome to the New Year!

Gotowa, żeby się zapisać? No to ruszamy! 

Tym linkiem zapiszesz się do Klubu, będziesz mieć do wyboru 2 kursy:

1. 'Wystartuj z angielskim' dla początkujących

2. 'Pewnie i płynnie' - dla średniozaawansowanych 

W razie pytań lub wątpliwości, proszę o kontakt na kontakt@elokasia.pl

lub poprzez Messenger https://www.facebook.com/eloquentlearningonline

Do zobaczenie w Klubie!


52 Modules

Hello, how are you?

In this module, you learn:

  • - to say 'Hello' and 'Goodbye'
  • - to introduce yourself
  • - to ask and answer 'How are you?'
  • - the verb 'to be' 
  • - numbers, days of the week, alphabet 

Are pierogi French? Where are they from?

In this lesson, you learn:

  • to ask and answer questions about where you are from
  • names of countries and languages 
  • days of the week 
  • where names of the week come from 
  • saying and understanding confusing numbers 

Are you messy or tidy? What's on your desk?

In this module, we learn about:

  • - everyday objects around us
  • - how to talk about one and many things (singular and plural)
  • - how to describe things 
  • - adjectives 

What time do you get up? A day in a life. Introduction to Present Simple.

In this module, you learn about:

  • - everyday routine - what you do every day 
  • - how to talk about yourself
  • - Present Simple tense for truths and routines 
  • - how to talk about things that you do every day
  • - numbers
  • - alphabet 
  • - spelling 

Typically British, or just stereotypes? Let's find out!

In this module, you learn about:

  • stereotypes
  • what is typically British
  • healthy lifestyle
  • Present Simple tense 
  • most common verbs 

What do you do for a living? I'm a teacher and you?

In this module you learn:

  • names of jobs and occupations 
  • how to ask and answer questions about your job 
  • how to talk about your job 
  • what you do in your job 
  • how to greet a client in your office 

Busy as a bee? What do you do at work?

In this module, you learn:

  • - to talk about what you do in your job
  • - words which describe jobs and contracts 
  • - practise different occupations
  • - job adverts 

What do you love doing? Hobbies and pastimes.

In this module, you learn:

  • - the names of hobbies and interests
  • - to talk about what you love/like/hate doing 
  • - about men's and women's leisure time
  • - to write a formal letter to a college

Healthy lifestyle is for you!

In this lesson, you will learn:

  • - food vocabulary and usage of 'have' with food
  • - when to use a/an, some and any for countable and uncountable nouns
  • - if you have a healthy lifestyle (quiz)
  • - how to order a cup of coffee and who is a barista
  • - facts and myths about water 

I can cook, but I can't bake. What can YOU do?

In this lesson, we learn:

  • can and  can't for ability 
  • work-related vocabulary 
  • answering questions at job interviews 
  • ... and a really nice song by the Beatles:)

There is a sofa in my office! There aren't any chairs!

In  this Unit, we learn:

  • how to use there is/ there are to describe places 
  • how to ask questions with 'Are there any ...?' , 'Is there a ...?'
  • prepositions of place (on, in, next to, at, above, under, etc.)
  • names of different 'bits and bobs'
  • how to stay organised 

What are you wearing now?

In this module, you learn:

  • clothes vocabulary: women's and men's clothes
  • describe what you are wearing 
  • Present Continuous tense 
  • practise Present Continuous 

Are you going for a walk? Present Continuous practice.

In this unit, you learn:

  • new verbs
  • how to talk about what you are doing at the moment
  • how to ask questions about now and how to answer them
  • how to buy clothes in the shop 

We learn or we are learning? Present Simple or Continuous?

In this Unit, you learn:

  • when to use Present Simple and Continuous
  • how to talk about plans 
  • how to arrange a meeting with somebody 
  • the weather vocabulary
  • what the weather is like in Britain 
  • practise Present Simple and Continuous 

Do you like travelling? What is your ideal holiday?

In this Unit, you learn about

  • modes of transport 
  • types of holiday 
  • holiday vocabulary 
  • how to talk about your holiday 
  • words and expressions useful when travelling by plane 

I want to fly away. Travelling by plane.

In this Unit, you learn:

  • what is on board a plane
  • common expressions for activities on the plane
  • safety instructions 
  • how to ask polite questions 

Staying at a hotel? All you need to know!

In this module, you learn about:

  • types of hotel rooms
  • hotel services and facilities
  • problems when staying in a hotel 
  • how to ask for things in a hotel
  • how to check-in 

Have you ever been on a city break? Places and directions in the city.

In this Unit, you learn:

  • about places in the city
  • how to describe a location
  • how to ask for and give directions
  • useful phrases for checking out of a hotel 

Do you need a doctor? What is the matter?

In this module, you will learn:

  • how to tell when something is wrong with your health
  • how to describe common illnesses
  • how to make an appointment
  • how to talk to a doctor about your illness 

What can you cook? Food, cooking and healthy diets.

In this module, you will learn:

  • the names of common food items
  • countable and uncountable nouns
  • common cooking verbs
  • how to give instructions 

Are you fit? How do you stay fit?

In this module, you will learn:

  • verbs do/ go/ play with sports and activities 
  • do a quiz to find out what your biological age is 
  • about the creator of Zumba, a world-wide sensation in exercise 
  • names of different physical activities 

Are you stressed? Terribly.

In this lesson, you will learn:

  • adverbs and adjectives and how to use them correctly 
  • what is stress and what are the most common 'stressors' 
  • how to practise mindfulness to live a better life
  • how to create inspirational messages 

Family is happiness

In this Unit, you will learn:

  • family vocabulary - different family members and the relationship between them
  • famous people's family relations, including the Dynasty and the royal family 
  • how to use possessive 's to show relationships 
  • what special days are celebrated by people in the UK 

It's freezing, isn't it? Winter vocabulary and activities.

In this module, you will learn:

  • how to talk about the weather
  • winter weather vocabulary 
  • winter clothes 
  • winter sports and activities
  • how to do 'small talk'
  • question tags 

Are you going out tonight? Present Continuous for plans.

In this Module, you will learn

  • vocabulary for 'going out' and places you can go to
  • asking and answering questions about going out
  • talking about the past and the future
  • Present Continuous for plans
  • 1st conditional

Do you like French cinema? Let's go to the cinema!

In this module, you will learn:

  • vocabulary for different types of films
  • how to talk about your likes, dislikes and preferences
  • how to talk about a film you like, describe its genre and plot
  • how to buy a ticket in the cinema

Life is better with music. Music vocabulary and comparisons.

In this module, you will learn:

  • the names of instruments
  • types of music
  • can for ability in the present and could for ability in the past 
  • comparison adjectives 
  • how to talk about your favourite music 
  • how much you know about music

Beauty is only skin deep? What do you know about make-up?

In this module, you will learn:

  • parts of the face
  • the names of various beauty products 
  • services you can get at a beauty parlour
  • how to use the services of a beauty therapist

When things go wrong in the house ... Appliances and services.

In this module, you will learn:

  • names of household appliances and objects around the house
  • vocabulary for describing problems when things go wrong
  • services to contact in case of emergency 

Ready to spring clean? Cleaning and household chores.

In this module, you will learn:

  • vocabulary for household chores 
  • names of various household appliances 
  • how to talk about house activities 
  • how to do a 'spring clean properly' 
  • learn a song 

You must switch off your phone. Must, should and phone etiquette.

In this module, you will learn:

  • phone vocabulary
  • mobile phone etiquette
  • listen to people talking about mobile phones
  • modal verbs: must/ musn\t/ have to/ don't have to/ should/ shouldn't 
  • a song 

Good manners, bad manners: mustn't, shouldn't and can't.

In this module, you will learn:

  • about manners in different countries
  • modal verbs: mustn't, shouldn't, can't for prohibitions 
  • what behaviours are considered rude in the UK
  • rules and manners in your own country 
  • polite and indirect questions 

She must be a thief. Making deductions about crimes.

In this module, you will learn:

  • how to use modal verbs, such as can/could, must for making deductions in the present and in the past 
  • crime vocabulary 
  • names for criminals 
  • how to make deductions based on available evidence 

British education system and what school used to be like.

In this module, you will learn:

  • vocabulary for school items 
  • names of school subjects 
  • how to talk about your school in the past tense 
  • about the education system in the UK
  • the difference between used to and didn't use to

If I had a lot of money ... Second conditional.

In this lesson, you will learn:

  • vocabulary connected with money
  • to recognise English coins and banknotes
  • how to say very big numbers and prices 
  • revise first and learn the second conditional

NOTE! This lesson has two levels: pre-intermediate and intermediate.

You have two options:

1. You can finish the lesson when a slide 'Lesson for intermediate students' appears, 


2. Continue with the lesson for intermediate students to study the topic in more depth.  In this lesson, you study more money vocabulary and practise the conditionals. 

It's raining cats and dogs. Weather and climate.

In this module, you'll learn:

  • weather vocabulary and expressions 
  • how to describe the weather using 'it's _____'
  • climate change vocabulary 
  • comparative adjectives 
  • idiomatic expressions to describe different types of weather 

NOTE! This lesson has two levels: pre-intermediate and intermediate.

You have two options:

1. You can finish the lesson when a slide 'Lesson for intermediate students' appears, 


2. Continue with the lesson for intermediate students to study the topic in more depth. 

Politics is a serious business. Politics and voting in the UK.

In this module, you will learn:

  • about the political system in the United Kingdom
  • about elections in the UK
  • interesting facts about the UK 
  • superlative adjectives

NOTE! This lesson has two levels: pre-intermediate and intermediate.

You have two options:

1. You can finish the lesson when a slide 'Lesson for intermediate students' appears, 


2. Continue with the lesson for intermediate students to study the topic in more depth. 

Fast fashion: where our clothes are made?

In this module, you will learn:

  • phrasal verbs to do with clothing
  • clothing and fashion vocabulary 
  • the meaning of 'fast fashion' and 'throwaway culture'
  • about the conditions in which clothes we wear are made

NOTE! This lesson has two levels: pre-intermediate and intermediate.

You have two options:

1. You can finish the lesson when a slide 'Lesson for intermediate students' appears, 


2. Continue with the lesson for intermediate students to study the topic in more depth. 

Let's talk about periods! Women and health.

In this module, you will:

  • learn the vocabulary connected with the female body 
  • study the terms for feminine sanitary products
  • read about menstruation taboos in a remote village in Nepal 


This lesson has two levels: pre-intermediate and intermediate.

You have two options:

1. You can finish the lesson when a slide 'Lesson for intermediate students' appears, 


2. Continue with the lesson for intermediate students to study the topic in more depth. 

We're expecting! Pregnancy and birth.

In this module, you will study:

  • expressions for pregnancy and birth
  • items needed when you go to hospital to have a baby 
  • vocabulary to describe what happens at birth 


This lesson has two levels: pre-intermediate and intermediate.

You have two options:

  • You can finish the lesson when a slide 'Lesson for intermediate students' appears, 


  • Continue with the lesson for intermediate students to study the topic in more depth. 

Keeping track of the past. Introduction to Past Perfect.

In this module, you will learn:

  • about past tenses 
  • Past Perfect tense to describe an action which happened earlier
  • adverbs to describe how something is done

NOTE! This lesson has two levels: pre-intermediate and intermediate.

You have two options:

  • You can finish the lesson when a slide 'Lesson for intermediate students' appears, 


  • Continue with the lesson for intermediate students to study the topic in more depth. This lesson has an overview of other past tenses which you might find useful. 

What have you been doing? Introduction to Present Perfect Continuous.

In this module, you will learn:

  • how to use Present Perfect Continuous
  • the difference between Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous 

Equality? Do men do as much in the house as women?

In this module, you will learn:

  • 'gender' vocabulary 
  • types of household chores 
  • comparisons 

NOTE! This lesson has two levels: pre-intermediate and intermediate.

You have two options:

  • You can finish the lesson when a slide 'Lesson for intermediate students' appears, 


  • Continue with the lesson for intermediate students to study the topic in more depth. In the intermediate lesson, you study more vocabulary around the politics of the gender gap. 

Can we stop harassment of women?

In this module, you will:

  • read about an idea on how to deal with sexual harassment in Japan 
  • vocabulary of commuting 
  • discuss the issues of sexual harassment against women 

NOTE! This lesson has two levels: pre-intermediate and intermediate.

You have two options:

  • You can finish the lesson when a slide 'Lesson for intermediate students' appears, 


  • Continue with the lesson for intermediate students to study the topic in more depth. This lesson has a reading exercise about sexual harassment in Hollywood. 

Same planet, different worlds? Men and women.

In this lesson, you will:

  • read about the differences between men and women
  • study the rules of using articles: a/an, -, the
  • practise the use of prepositions 

NOTE! This lesson has two levels: pre-intermediate and intermediate.

You have two options:

  • You can finish the lesson when a slide 'Lesson for intermediate students' appears, 


  • Continue with the lesson for intermediate students to study the topic in more depth. In this lesson, you will learn how to use articles with geographical terms. 

Are you a party animal, or a party pooper? Let's find out!

In this module, you will:

  • learn the vocabulary of parties and celebrations
  • read about 'party animals' and 'party poopers'
  • study infinitives, to + verb and when to use them 


This lesson has two levels: pre-intermediate and intermediate.

You have two options:

  • You can finish the lesson when a slide 'Lesson for intermediate students' appears, 


  • Continue with the lesson for intermediate students to study the topic in more depth. In this lesson, you will read about friendship and study the usage of phrasal verbs with 'get.' 

Easter special: Easter celebrations in the UK

In this module, you learn about Easter traditions in Britain. 

Christmas special: Christmas traditions in the UK

Christmas special 2: It's Christmas

New Year special: Welcome to the New Year!

Modules for this product 52
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 Angielski z Klasą- kurs plus konwersacje
  249.00 PLN  ( then 249.00 PLN for 11 months )
 Angielski z Klasą - kurs plus konwersacje rocznie
  1,250.00 PLN  ( then 1,250.00 PLN for 1 months )
 Angielski z Klasą- płatność w funtach
 £ 50.00 GBP  ( then £50.00 GBP for 11 months )
 Angielski z Klasą - płatność w funtach - jednorazowo
 £ 500.00 GBP

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